35 years ago an event happened that changed our life forever. On the afternoon of February 9, 1970, our son John Michael was born at 3:11pm. I was now not only a wife but a mother. I think it is one of the greatest things that ever happened to me. John was a great baby, a delightful toddler and a wonderful teen. He now is a super man and was a real good teacher. He now owns his own Golf Course. Here he is an hour after birth. A little red but to us the worlds cutest little baby boy.

John's first picture

Here he is with some of his Fraternity Brothers during his college days. He's the one with the goatee on the first step.

Frat Boys

And here he is today with his Dad on John's Golf Course

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Happy Birthday John, Have a Great Day, We Love You MOM and DAD

We Celebrate Denise and Pat's Birthday's in October.

It seems like just yesterday our little girl was born on her Daddy's birthday, October 22, 1971. What a special day it was for us. She was one of the nicest Birthday presents a person could ever ask for. Her Daddy turned 28 the day she was born.
Birthdays were double the fun for Pat and Denise and a lot easier on me. I only had to make one cake. Their favorite cake is cheese cake.
Here is Denise at 14 and Pat at 42.

Denise got married on July 4, 1998, look how happy her Daddy looks....
Happy Birthday Denise and Pat 10/22 and John 02/09, Our Son in law Mark's birthday is May 3rd and our Grand daughters were both born in March the 1st for Mackenzie and on the 4th for Emily. My birthday is November 4th, I missed being an election day baby by 13 minutes.

I love you with all my heart. With love from, MOM aka Patty XXXXXXXXXXXX

Here's John with his cat Mason and one of Mason's ancestors.....

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